
    Android Tablets Seem To Have Lost Their Way To The Market

    26.07.2012 07:04 0 комментариев

    It was the James Cameron’s movie “The Abyss”, in which there were aliens who live deep in our oceans. The movie showed aliens generating gigantic waves that come towards the beaches. Then they stop at the height of skyscrapers at the coast and the aliens give human a chance to surrender.As we can see in the market,cheap tablet pc have already covered a lot in the markte. 
    No Major Production
    The same kind of feeling is raised when I start thinking about the Android Tablets. In the previous year, at CES and other technology fairs, there was announced “The Abyss” type waves of the Android Tablets and it seemed to wash over us and create revolution in computing technology. It now well over 7 months and these waves are still over our heads. A few weeks back a news broke out that HP has forfeited form producing their Android based slate and more inspiring slates like the Notion Ink Adam are coming after a long delay, somewhere in November.
    iPad Leads The Way
    The people who have been ever waiting for the tablets to arrive have already bought the Apple’s iPad. Still there are people who are sanely waiting for Android based slates to arrive in the market. As a matter of fact, such people thought that within a few months there would be a number of tablets in the market and there would be a wide variety to choose from. But alas! It’s been months that there are no major slates present in the market that even come close to the functionality of the Apple iPad. And the situation shows that there won’t be many slates in the market till October 2010. And with all this delay, iPad is becoming more and more enriched in its features.
    The Rumors
    There is no solid information on the fact that why it is proving so hard to produce a better functioning Android based slate for the market. There have been many rumors and one if it is that the nVidia’s Tegra 2 chip is facing serious problems. Many of the slates that have been delayed/ cancelled were based on the almost failed platform of nVidia. Coming to the case of the Adam slate, the rumors are that the Pixel Qi screen is responsible for the delay. But remember that all such news is just rumors. No one till now has heard one solid reason that why these devices are taking longer than usual to come out.However,we all expect the development of technology,yet cheap tablet pc is still full of our life,such as ainol tablet in China,as well as ONDA Vi50.After all,they are around the corner in life!

    Теги: ainol tablet

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